Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Political View

I was born here in Austin, Texas, which means I was born a US citizen; as the constitution says anyone born in the country is an automatic citizen of the country. I was only 11 years old when the first election for Sen. Barack Obama took place in 2008 so I was unable to vote, however, I rooted for Barack Obama because he would become the first African American to become President of the United States.

   I have come to understand that the United States government is not perfect at all. I have learned that the world needs politics and government, however, the way it is currently being used is not very just to a lot of people. Much has been done throughout history and recently that I personally do not believe has benefited the masses. However, all may not be lost. Politics and government is supposed to be about liberty and justice, so in my political view, I think it needs help by its very intelligent citizens who can show the government what true liberty and justice look like.