Friday, October 26, 2012

Critique on Seaborn Blog

   Basically, in this article, editorial writer, Jody Seaborn, is commenting on the debates between candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney three weeks ago and the debate last Monday night. He was also stating that the debates are over and that the election is right around the corner.

   He is saying that in the first debate, Romney talks about domestic issues which are problems with households and did a fine performance while Obama did a "somnambulist" performance, which must have meant Obama didn't do a good performance in the first debate since a "somnambulist" is a sleepwalker. However, he commented on the second debate and said that Obama was more prepared for a more aggressive Romney, however, Romney wasn't since he agreed with Obama's foreign policy (particularly countries in the Middle East) argument. He says this is a sign of support towards the opponent candidate (Obama) to the readers. 

   In his opinion, Obama's problem in the debate three weeks ago was confusion but he has witnessed Romney's performance in the debate and has obviously improved and became better prepared for last Monday's debate. 

   I haven't watched the debate three weeks ago but I have watched a part of the debate Monday and I agree with Seaborn. In my opinion, Obama has put up an argument with Romney about foreign policy. He was aggressive.

   This blog caught my attention because usually since I am so young and am just now getting more into politics, I wanted to read it to see how the debates went and how they will impact those whose votes "matter". The fact is that Romney made a better performance than Obama in the debate three weeks ago, but in Monday's debate Obama made an aggressive and better performance where Romney even agreed with many of Obama's decisions. This will probably be difficult for anyone to assume what the results of the election may be like.  

   Seaborn has said that, "In two weeks, voters in eight or nine states will determine our president for the next four years. From those of us whose votes don’t matter as much as yours, we wish you well". This must mean that his intended audience was the people whose votes matter, and since he uses the word "us" in this excerpt, he is one of the people whose vote he doesn't think matters. Although he was not a measured voter, he is known as a respected editorial writer and a columnist to a national newspaper website.

   In conclusion, his arguments were on how the two candidates did on two debates of 2012. He argues about Romney's opponent-supportive performance and Obama's "blindsided, confused" yet improved performance overtime. 2012 is the last year of Obama's first term as president and also the year of new debates and new elections that are currently happening. This is one of the reasons why the year 2012 matters when it comes to US politics.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Critique on Gas Tax Increases

     In this editorial article, it talks about how politicians have came up with an idea for more tax funding off of consumed car gasoline by making the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax. The author, Duncan Black, of the article says it is not a good idea because of the circumstances. He says it will give the drivers and themselves a difficult time, for it will require bills and a system involving the GPS. It will also make the drivers uncomfortable with the new system tracking all of their movements. He goes on to say that it would be easier if it remains how it is, which is when the drivers will pay for gasoline per gallon, not mileage, and that the officials at the gas stations can collect taxes and give it to the government more simply. He claims that the idea, with more common sense, increasing the funds of gas taxes is to increase them but I disagree.

   I agree with the fact that the VMT tax will not benefit the country at all and that we should stay with our normal price-per-gallon business at gas pumps but if funding taxes (by either passing the VMT or increasing the gas tax) is going to make the drivers spend more money therefore giving them a burden, then they should not be making funds in taxes unless it is a need for the government, not a want!

   In conclusion, these funds would not be fair for the people and especially for those who have the lowest incomes. It would not mean being devoted to federalism which is the sharing of powers between the state and national governments. There have been many common complaints from people (who should protest in this for the federal governments to hear) about the high gas tax prices recently and even from some of my family members. Basically, increasing the tax prices will not benefit the masses of the people and using the VMT will not benefit the federal government. It will also not live up to term federalism because they may not heed the citizens' arguments and protests.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Supreme Court to review UT admission policies

In 2008, Abigail Fisher, wanted to attend the University of Texas at Austin, but was not accepted. She believes her enrollment was denied because she is white. The University has a policy in which there are race and ethnicity factors considered for admission. She claims that other minority students who were less qualified were admitted instead of her. So she sued the University of Texas and the case is now at the Supreme Court. This case is about affirmative action being used for college admissions. The case is called Fisher v. University of Texas. Click here for article.

This article is worth reading because if you say the student is right, you are only looking at the surface. The University most likely made this policy for a reason. For example, they put this policy in so they could increase diversity by increasing the number of minority students. It is relevant to me because when I enroll in a four-year college, I hope there are students there that are the same race as me and if Ms. Fisher wins it could increase the likelihood that I will not attend a diverse University.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Political View

I was born here in Austin, Texas, which means I was born a US citizen; as the constitution says anyone born in the country is an automatic citizen of the country. I was only 11 years old when the first election for Sen. Barack Obama took place in 2008 so I was unable to vote, however, I rooted for Barack Obama because he would become the first African American to become President of the United States.

   I have come to understand that the United States government is not perfect at all. I have learned that the world needs politics and government, however, the way it is currently being used is not very just to a lot of people. Much has been done throughout history and recently that I personally do not believe has benefited the masses. However, all may not be lost. Politics and government is supposed to be about liberty and justice, so in my political view, I think it needs help by its very intelligent citizens who can show the government what true liberty and justice look like.