Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Supreme Court to review UT admission policies

In 2008, Abigail Fisher, wanted to attend the University of Texas at Austin, but was not accepted. She believes her enrollment was denied because she is white. The University has a policy in which there are race and ethnicity factors considered for admission. She claims that other minority students who were less qualified were admitted instead of her. So she sued the University of Texas and the case is now at the Supreme Court. This case is about affirmative action being used for college admissions. The case is called Fisher v. University of Texas. Click here for article.

This article is worth reading because if you say the student is right, you are only looking at the surface. The University most likely made this policy for a reason. For example, they put this policy in so they could increase diversity by increasing the number of minority students. It is relevant to me because when I enroll in a four-year college, I hope there are students there that are the same race as me and if Ms. Fisher wins it could increase the likelihood that I will not attend a diverse University.

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