Friday, October 26, 2012

Critique on Seaborn Blog

   Basically, in this article, editorial writer, Jody Seaborn, is commenting on the debates between candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney three weeks ago and the debate last Monday night. He was also stating that the debates are over and that the election is right around the corner.

   He is saying that in the first debate, Romney talks about domestic issues which are problems with households and did a fine performance while Obama did a "somnambulist" performance, which must have meant Obama didn't do a good performance in the first debate since a "somnambulist" is a sleepwalker. However, he commented on the second debate and said that Obama was more prepared for a more aggressive Romney, however, Romney wasn't since he agreed with Obama's foreign policy (particularly countries in the Middle East) argument. He says this is a sign of support towards the opponent candidate (Obama) to the readers. 

   In his opinion, Obama's problem in the debate three weeks ago was confusion but he has witnessed Romney's performance in the debate and has obviously improved and became better prepared for last Monday's debate. 

   I haven't watched the debate three weeks ago but I have watched a part of the debate Monday and I agree with Seaborn. In my opinion, Obama has put up an argument with Romney about foreign policy. He was aggressive.

   This blog caught my attention because usually since I am so young and am just now getting more into politics, I wanted to read it to see how the debates went and how they will impact those whose votes "matter". The fact is that Romney made a better performance than Obama in the debate three weeks ago, but in Monday's debate Obama made an aggressive and better performance where Romney even agreed with many of Obama's decisions. This will probably be difficult for anyone to assume what the results of the election may be like.  

   Seaborn has said that, "In two weeks, voters in eight or nine states will determine our president for the next four years. From those of us whose votes don’t matter as much as yours, we wish you well". This must mean that his intended audience was the people whose votes matter, and since he uses the word "us" in this excerpt, he is one of the people whose vote he doesn't think matters. Although he was not a measured voter, he is known as a respected editorial writer and a columnist to a national newspaper website.

   In conclusion, his arguments were on how the two candidates did on two debates of 2012. He argues about Romney's opponent-supportive performance and Obama's "blindsided, confused" yet improved performance overtime. 2012 is the last year of Obama's first term as president and also the year of new debates and new elections that are currently happening. This is one of the reasons why the year 2012 matters when it comes to US politics.


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